The New York Times headline reads, November Heat Sets Record in New York, November 23rd…1931. Burlington Vermont tipped the mercury to 67 degrees on Nov 22, another record. But, But, CO2!?
Related: Climate Drag Queens – Dressed to Kill “the Free Market” Economy
McGill University in Montreal (we’ve had foreign students vote in New Hampshire from McGill) also set a record on the 23rd as heat blanketed the northeast and Canada. In 1931.
It’s snowing and cold in much of New Hampshire today. Snow is that stuff we were told “children” just wouldn’t know. We have snow, and that will continue without interruption whether anyone falls for the fake Climate hysteria or not.
A hysteria whose aim is to ensure that liberty and freedom are something children just won’t know.
Be vigilant.
Tony Heller | RCSB