Socialist Sith Lord Bernie Would Include Padawan AOC in a Sanders Administration

Marxist Democrat women of color fighting the white supremacists and the patriarchy of old rich men in America endorsed Bernie Sanders for President. An old, rich, white guy. In return for this favor, the old rich white guy says he’d include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in his White House.

On Monday’s broadcast of “CBS This Morning,” during a joint interview, Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT-I) said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) would work in his White House if he is elected president. …

When asked if Ocasio-Cortez  would work in his  administration, Sanders said, “Yes, you would.”

I assume the White House has a bartender, so the communist from Vermont must have something else in mind.

Let’s imagine the confirmation hearing for any post requiring consent from a Senate that is not a majority Democrat chamber?

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ testimony.

I’m like, so, like, totally qualified, like, really!

Head of the EPA?

| Geller Report

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