5 Most Popular Governors are Still Republicans

Governor Chris Sununu is the 5th most popular Governor in the country, rounding out a top 5 of all Republican Governors for net approval rating. In fact, the top 14 most popular Governors are all Republicans, and 18 of the top 20 are “red.”

6 of the 10 least approved of Governors are Democrats.

Sununu has a net +36% approval rating in this Morning Consult Poll.  That’s down 6 points from Q2 2019, when he had a 65% approve to 23% disapprove score.  His 63% approval is still above the 60% in Q3 2018, and up from the 59% approval in Q3 2017.

Among Democrats even, Sununu has a net +2 approval.  Considering the amount of Democrat bills Governor Sununu vetoed this year, that number is pretty surprising.  It signals a huge uphill climb for Dan Feltes or Andru Volinsky who side heavily with many of the radical bills that were vetoed and sustained this year.

The most important number today though is Sununu’s net approval among “independents”, which is +36.  “Independents” are the largest voting block in New Hampshire, and are in large part why he kept the corner office during an undeniable blue wave in 2018.

Good luck, Democrats, taking out a wildly popular Governor.  Especially since all of the radical bills he vetoed this year will be coming back next year, in an election year, when voting will be fresh on everyone’s mind.

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