Maybe you will never have occasion to find something in the constitution or a related court ruling. What a life that must be, eh? For everyone else, The Library of Congress has updated the Constitution Annotated.
It is now fully digitized and searchable.
For over 100 years, Constitution Annotated has served as the authoritative source for the American public to learn about the nation’s founding document alongside Supreme Court decisions that have expounded upon and refined it. The newest update, announced just in time for Constitution Day on September 17, is the latest in a string of efforts to bring the project fully into the digital era.
The new site,, is home to a revamped, user-friendly version of the 3,000-page document, which for the first time ever is fully digitally searchable by the general public.
Exciting? Maybe not for everyone but Bookmark it anyway. You never know when you may need it. Maybe on your phone during an interview when someone asks you about an amendment, and you have no idea what it is?
It happens.