NH Dem Reps Gets Physical with Someone for Telling the TRUTH During Gun Control Presser

Extreme left-wing org Granite State Progress held a press conference the other day to push Bloomberg-backed gun control that harms Granite Staters.

When a counter protester came into the press conference (silently holding a sign), held in a public building, they clearly didn’t like the protester’s FACTUAL signage. Representative David Meuse (D-Misogynist) and Representative Edward Butler (D-Anti-Women’s Rights), decided to have a little chat with the protester but couldn’t coherently speak to the facts. Butler also grabs the protester’s sign because because as with most leftists, he hates the 1st Amendment almost as much as he hates the 2nd Amendment.

In fact, Butler was completely factless and Misogyneuse tried to manhandle the protester and then claim the protester tried to shove HIM. Typical with lying hacks like Meuse who wouldn’t know the truth if it crawled up his ass and threw up out of his filthy, woman-hating mouth. Both Meuse and Butler are cowards who don’t believe women should use firearms to protect themselves and their children.

Notice one of Bloomberg’s minions stops over to make a comment as well. This is a woman who is funded by a man who seeks to take Womens’ fundamental human right to self defense away from them and she wants YOU to care about HER children more than your own. No one is ‘demanding’ this woman own a firearm to protect her children but SHE is demanding women be disarmed so they can’t protect THEIR own children.


You can see the video below:



  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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