Notable Quote – George Will

by Skip

And the more things government touches, the more people will have interests in touching, and wheedling, government. Progressives purport to be scandalized by modern Washington, which is indeed an unlovely maelstrom of interest groups maneuvering to maximize their rent-seeking. This is, however, the Washington that progressives should have known they were making. But they only could have known this if they had a keen Madisonian sense of political sociology. And if progressives had had this, they would have had to reconsider their premises.

-George Will (The Conservative Sensibility)

I think Progressives may be, like the Pharisees and Saduccees in Jesus’s time, externally posing as being scandalized.  However, internally, they are smiling as they know that all of human endeavors must come through their end game – the Administrative State (pure Government).

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