Laconia, how did NH State Rep David Huot vote this year?

by Skip

Not that it seems he’s blowing his own horn (gosh, I just can’t wonder why!), we’ll do it for him. And if you don’t like how the bill has been categorized (e.g., using the actual outcome of the bill instead of its official title) you can go here and look up each bill:

In making life more inconvenient for you in small ways:

  • FOR banning plastic straws. (HB558)
    FOR banning plastic or paper bags. (HB560)

In making it clear that he puts Government ahead of People (and YOU are “People”) in taking more of your money for his Government:

  • FOR creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat. (HB712) [Outsourcing HIS job to bureaucrats -Skip]
  • FOR creating a new tax on capital gains. (HB686)
  • FOR creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat. (SB1) [Outsourcing HIS job to bureaucrats -Skip]
  • FOR creating an income tax, and new taxes on capital gains, vaping, and sports betting; increasing business taxes. (HB2)
  • FOR increasing state spending by a massive $1.5 Billion, or 13%. High taxes are the result of high spending. (HB1)
  • FOR increasing state spending by a massive $1.5 Billion, or 13%. High taxes are the result of high spending. (HB1)
  • FOR creating a tax on vaping, making it harder to quit smoking. (HB680)
  • FOR raising business taxes. (HB623)
  • FOR permitting state bureaucrats to raise hidden taxes on electricity without legislative oversight and approval. (HB166) [Outsourcing HIS job to bureaucrats -Skip]
  • FOR creating an additional tax on room rentals. (HB641)
  • FOR increasing by 40% a surcharge on registry of deed users to support a program unrelated to the registry service. (SB74)
  • FOR permitting state bureaucrats to raise hidden taxes on electricity without legislative oversight and approval. (SB205) [Outsourcing HIS job to bureaucrats -Skip]
  • FOR planning huge capital expenses and enormous operating subsidies for a commuter rail system for very, very few commuters. (SB241) [Your money for a train that will never come to Laconia -Skip]
  • FOR doubling and tripling various fees. (HB682)
  • FOR unfunded mandate raising towns’ and schools’ retirement costs. (HB616) [against the NH Constitution, Article 28-A.  As a former judge, he knows better -Skip]
  • FOR requiring utilities to buy more Renewable Energy Certificates thus raising the cost of electricity for all New Hampshire consumers. (SB72)
  • FOR increasing electricity costs by at least $30 million per year. (SB168)
  • AGAINST reducing the statewide property tax. (HB497-0113h)
  • AGAINST reducing the interest & dividends tax. (HB185)
  • AGAINST reducing electric rates by allowing more use of methane as a fuel. (HB157)
  • AGAINST reducing electric rates by distributing all proceeds from RGGI sales to ratepayers. (HB477)
  • AGAINST prohibiting an income tax. (CACR12)
  • AGAINST replacing a mandatory family leave plan funded by an income tax with a voluntary plan. (HB2-1435h)

And like most Progressives, he continuously voted to not “…shall not infringe” on your Second Amendment and Article 2-A Rights:

  • FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens on school property. (HB564)
  • FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to undergo a background check for any transfer of firearms. (HB109)
  • FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to endure a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm. (HB514)
  • FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens on school property. (HB564)
  • FOR creating a guilty until proven innocent standard. (HB696)
  • FOR creating a guilty until proven innocent standard. (HB696)
  • AGAINST clarifying that self-defense includes defending one’s family. (HB208)

And against securing your right as a Citizen to cast a vote without the fear of it being cancelled out by someone who shouldn’t be voting in NH:

  • FOR making it easier for out-of-staters to vote in NH. (HB105)
  • FOR making it easier for out-of-staters to vote in NH. (HB106)
  • FOR making voter fraud easier by allowing anyone to vote absentee. (HB611)
  • FOR making it easier for illegal aliens to get a driver’s license. (HB397)
  • FOR making it easier for non-residents to vote in NH. (SB67)
  • AGAINST ensuring that drivers’ licenses cannot be used by non-citizens to vote. (HB471) [You want illegal aliens voting in your elections?  David Huot does!  -Skip]

And other things as well that you and I would consider to be common-sense based:

  • FOR studying whether to put NH taxpayers on the hook for student loans. (SB139) [What’s the fairness of paying off a college loan when you paid your’s – or you didn’t even go to college? -Skip]
  • FOR increasing the cost of municipal and school building projects 30-50% by allowing Washington D.C. to mandate labor costs. (SB271)
  • FOR letting boys in girls’ sports, and in girls’ locker rooms. (SB263) [You want some senior boy in your freshman daughter’s showering area?  -Skip]
  • FOR killing entry-level jobs for unskilled workers. (HB186) [Minimum Wage – proving that the real min. wage is $0/hour  -Skip]
  • FOR removing work requirement for able-bodied childless adults to receive Medicaid. [SB290) [I have to work for my healthcare…  -Skip]
  • FOR incentivizing people to stay on disability rather than work. (SB99)
  • FOR raiding the unemployment trust fund to create a 37th job training program. (SB2)
  • FOR restricting a teenager’s right to choose how many hours to work per week. (SB20) [So Huot believe’s he knows better than parents how many hours is enough? -Skip]
  • FOR minimizing students’ opportunity to learn outside the classroom. (SB140)
  • FOR subjecting students to invasive surveys without the knowledge of parents. (SB196) [Govt knows better than parents according to Huot -Skip]
  • FOR killing entry-level jobs for unskilled workers. (SB10) [Minimum Wage – proving that the real min. wage is $0/hour  -Skip]
  • FOR micromanaging businesses’ hiring practices. (HB211) [Because Govt knows your business better than you do  -Skip]
  • FOR micromanaging businesses’ hiring practices. (HB253) [Because Govt knows your business better than you do  -Skip]
  • FOR micromanaging businesses’ hiring practices. (HB272) [Because Govt knows your business better than you do  -Skip]
  • FOR equating marriage with domestic violence by funding a domestic violence program with the marriage license fee. (HB295) [to the tune of millions going to a Left-wing advocacy group outside of govt -Skip]
  • FOR enshrining unaffordable, inadequate, and inferior features of Obamacare in New Hampshire law. (SB4) [Like high premiums? Huot believes you do – and no choice for you! -Skip]
  • FOR throwing money at substance abuse without the necessary oversight to determine the effectiveness of money spent. (SB5)
  • FOR restricting use of a criminal background check by a potential employer. (SB100) [Because Govt knows your business better than you do  -Skip]
  • AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech. (HB124)AGAINST prohibiting “sanctuary” cities. (HB232) [He loves him some illegal aliens! So much for the Rule of Law, eh Judge? -Skip]
  • AGAINST merely collecting statistics about abortions. (HB158)
  • AGAINST merely collecting data about abortions along with other health care data. (SB111-1789h)

Ayup, this from a Democrat from what is usually a Republican area.  This is how you wish to be represented?

Oh, and it looks like he doesn’t want to allow you to buy an AR-15 pattern rifle anymore, either.  Or sell one that you have.  Can you say Micromanagement of your arms?  What about that “shall not infringe” bit, eh Judge?  I think either of those two things would pass muster in any common definition of the word.

And I’d be happy to debate that, Judge – let us know.

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