Refugee resettlement is one of those issues most Democrats should be challenged on regularly. The majority of the resettlement agencies get paid billions in government money annually – taxpayer cash paid to religious groups, sans the typical liberal outrage to dump refugees on local communities.
Related: Refugees Bring Tuberculosis to New Hampshire
There’s a reason for the lack of outrage. The religious resettlement agencies are all, more or less, social justice organs playing for the diversity choir. Stuffing refugees into every corner, not out of compassion but for cash. Loads of it. Creating one crisis to chase another all requiring more of your money and not for the benefit of all.
Take Nashua. The resettlement system has burdened the school system with students speaking 5o different languages other than English. Who does that help? No one but the resettlement agencies getting fat on government grants to dump them into American cities.
No one’s learning. They’re just wasting time and money. Democrats and the aid agencies want to double down on that bad idea but President Trump did the right thing. He cut resettlement by nearly 60%. The result? New Hampshire received over 500 refugees in 2016 but only 162 in 2018.
Would you be surprised to hear a Local aid agency thinks that is a bad thing?
NHPR’s The Exchange examined the refugee program in New Hampshire on Monday. Jeff Thielman, CEO and President of the International Institute of New England, was on the panel. His agency is one of two that works to resettle refugees in New Hampshire.
Thielman criticized the Trump administration’s policies limiting refugees.
“We’re big enough. We have enough need for workers right now. And we have a longstanding history of resettling refugees,” Thielman said. “The facts on the ground show that when the United States of America resettles refugees, people in other countries are kinder to refugees and it alleviates some of the pressure on the system worldwide.”
Guess who pays Jeff Thielman’s salary? You do.
According to the International Institute of New England’s 990s (one of the few that is not a religious organization), they receive approximately 4 million dollars in Federal grants every year to resettle refugees.
Do you know what happens if the number of refugees goes down? They won’t get as much grant money.
So while cities like Manchester and Nashua have school populations they can’t teach, and local politicians who still have not been held to account for that fine mess, our buddy Jeff (who was paid over $192,000 in 2018) is saying we’ve got plenty of room in New Hampshire for more of what he’s selling.
No matter how much it costs you.