Rashida Tlaib’s father says his daughter lied about where she lived to get elected. “She lied,” Elabed said. “She lied big-time to get elected. I never teach her that way. I teach her the right way. It’s my house. She didn’t live there. She lived in Dearborn in her house with her husband and boy.”
That’s a crime punishable by $1000.00 dollar fine and up to 5 years in jail. Don’t worry; no one will arrest her. This is not a new story, and Tlaib says she “moved into the district” before she ran but has never produced any actual proof.
Her other defense is that her father abused her and they do not get along, but Harbi Elabed insists she is lying.
Tlaib’s father Harbi Elabed made the accusation during a March 2010 interview with The Detroit News.
The newspaper article was scrubbed from the internet when The Detroit News migrated to a new website but was available in a subscription-based digital archive, according to the Daily Wire, a conservative news outlet that uncovered the article.
In an affidavit, Tlaib claimed that she lived in a house at 9123 Rathbone in Detroit. But the house at that location was owned in part by her father, who said that she didn’t live there.
Look, another politician lied. Right? Well, Tlaib’s got plenty of other problems. Bigger ones. Detroit, for example, was a dumpster fire before she came along but she didn’t do anything but use it to get elected to higher office. And from there she will do nothing except building her political career as a DC insider. Assuming the Party doesn’t turn on her.
The party establishment is at cross purposes. They all want the same things but they approach it differently. One-side is honest about the rush to socialsim and lying about how that will end. The other side is lying about their rush to socialsim and how that will end.
Everyone’s lying about something, so the idea that Tlaib lied to get into office in 2010 and continues to lie about today is not a stretch.
| Twitchy