Mueller Resigns


The report says it all…

Robert Mueller appeared in public yesterday to announce his resignation from the office of special counsel. He said he will not speak further about the investigation, noting the full report has been released. Mueller went on to say he will not provide any information beyond what has already been released.

Mueller said he did not doubt Barr’s good faith in his decision to release the report all at once. He denied that he should go further than the report does in judging Trump’s actions. He said that any testimony from this office would not go beyond the report. The report contains the findings, analysis and the reasons of the special counsel; the work speaks for itself.

The criminal investigation brought no charges

The special counsel noted that the investigation concluded that it would not reach a determination about whether the president committed a crime. An independent criminal investigation was conducted. The results were reported to the attorney general, as required.

Bring on the Dancing Bears and Clowns

Closure of the investigation effectively ends the legal portion of this kabuki theatre. Next up will be Act II, the political posturing. We are about to be treated to the impeachment soliloquy. The leftists in the House of Representatives are about to put their best judgment on display. It is always entertaining when Nancy Pelosi is the reasonable one in the room. Stay tuned as tragedy turns to comedy.


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