Tomorrow is V.I. Lenin’s Birthday – It’s Also the Largest Secular Celebration of the Year

Interesting number, twelve years. That’s how long the earth has left (according to the Democrats) if we don’t turn the entire energy and transportation sectors over to complete government control. Meanwhile, in the real world, the Danish Meteorological Institute data shows sea ice volume growing steadily for 12 years.

Arctic Sea Ice Volume Danish Meteorological institute

Growing? If you listen to the media or Democrats that’s not even possible. You must believe it!

Give the government more control over your day-to-day living. Even though there is zero evidence the government could fix it if there were a problem.

Another reality the statists view as little more than a temporary obstacle.

Earth Day

In celebration of ignoring or subverting reality, the secular climate cult’s highest holy day is tomorrow. Earth Day is also the birthday of one of their ideological mentors. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. V.I. Lenin. 

Lenin’s revolution is an inspiration to many on the left. They openly embrace the form of government whose design cannot avoid the terrors Lenin and Stalin ultimately relied upon to stay in power. And wouldn’t you know, Earth Day is all about giving government power over “power.”

Energy. How we get it, where we use it, and how we use it. Earth is burning

How convenient is that?

A problem only they see whose only solution is to hand them the power they crave — celebrated on Lenin’s birthday.

Well, let’s celebrate this, shall we?

Declining sea ice isn’t the only lie. The Brussels Times reports that production of Electric cars sold as zero-emissions vehicles results in more CO2 per kilometer than diesel-powered vehicles. (Not news to us, of course.)

Why not? Wind and Solar are more dangerous to the environment.

Paper bags have a higher carbon footprint than the plastic bags the left has been banning.

Proof on multiple points that nothing Democrats claim is about anything but control. Government control of the means of production. Lifestyle. Culture. Belief. All of it.

And that’s what Earth Day is all about. Lenin would be pleased.


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