Trump Get’s Media to Insist Only 3.9 Million People Dropped Off Food Stamps

When the President said 5 Million people were dropping off Food Stamps, the media went to work to prove him wrong. It was only 3.9 Million you cad. How Brilliant is that? If he’d said 3.9 Million what number would the Media have ‘found?’

Government data show there were 44.2 million people participating in the Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program in 2016, before Trump took office. In 2018, there were 40.3 million people participating in SNAP. That’s a decline of 3.9 million, not the 5 million that Trump talked about.

Food stamps SNAP
SNAP Numbers Drop by 3.9 Million

You’ll notice there is no, “but hey that’s still great” moment from the so-called fact-checkers. News organizations that have been reporting on Trump Russia collusion for years. Stenographers who gave Obama more free passes than well, liberals handing out food stamps.

And what would the story be if they had not improved?

Trump’s economy has now ushered nearly 4 million people off Food Stamps as of 2018. Advocates of welfare for life have excuses for that too. They accuse the states or the Administration of forcing people off food stamps. Force meaning, if you can work, get a job. If the job pays enough that you don’t qualify for food stamps guess what? 

Evil Capitalists. Creating jobs and then turning capable human beings into productive members of society. People who may earn enough money that they have to pay taxes instead of taking them as welfare.

Democrats love taxes. It’s how we pay for food stamps and welfare. But to hear them talk there’s some magic formula where one group of people can pay for all these benefits. 

Well, guess what, there is a better formula, but it skips the government middle-men. It’s called a job you dumbass.  ‘Rich People’ which includes millions of middle-class people, start businesses and create jobs. They pay employees wages and provide benefits. And unlike Welfare, it has a ladder that leads to something other than listless incarceration on the Left’s welfare plantation.

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