In a piece for Politico, Ilhan Omar observed that the Hope and Change of Obama was a mirage. Caging kids at the border. Droning. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished.” Naturally, there was push back, so she denied having made such claims and released audio to prove it.
The audio proves she said it. Exactly as reported.
We shared Politico’s report here.
The Daily Mail has transcribed her comments from the audio here which she released on Twitter with this:
‘[e]xhibit A of how reporters distort words. I’m an Obama fan!’
‘I was saying how Trump is different from Obama, and why we should focus on policy not politics. This is why I always tape my interviews,’
‘I think for many of us, we think of ourselves as Democrats. But many of the ways that our Democratic leaders have conducted themselves within the system is not one that we are all proud of.
‘You know, I will talk about the family separation or caging of kids and then people will point out that this was wrong – I mean this was Obama. And you know I’ll say something about the droning of countries around the world and people will say that was Obama. And all of that is very true. What is happening now is very different. A lot is happening with secrecy. It’s happening with the feel-good polished way of talking about it.
‘And when we talk about waking people up from complacency, it’s to say that we can’t be only upset with Trump because he’s not a politician who sells us his policies in the most perfect way. His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.
‘And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile, so that we can understand the kind of negative impact, or positive impact, they will have on us for generations.’
We always tape our interviews as well, for the same reason. But you taped yours to prove the reporter did not distort your words. He replied back on Twitter with something of a, thank you.
‘Exhibit A of how politicians use the media as a straw man to avoid owning what they said. Your tape…supports what I wrote 100%.
We’d like to thank you as well.
Just curious, did you listen to it before you sent it? If you heard something else, that might be a bigger problem for you moving forward. It might also explain the antisemitism thing. You seem to think you are hiding it. You are not.