The Sandmann Cometh – Nathan Phillips is Being Sued

Covington Kid, Nick Sandmann’s lawyers have been busy. Last week they sent letters to dozens of persons or entities to preserve evidence for a potential lawsuit. Now they’ve announced that they are suing Nathan Phillips, the drum-taunting, Native American, who did not serve in Vietnam.

Atlanta-based lawyer L. Lin Wood told LifeSiteNews on Thursday that he would be suing Phillips for his “lies and false accusations” against the Covington Catholic students — and Sandmann in particular. He also told the outlet that he would “file the first round of civil lawsuits within the next two weeks.”

The Media Bias Press Pool is Deep

The evidence against Phillips is substantial. The video of the confrontation combined with his own “testimony” before the “free-press” provides ample evidence of his guilt. He instigated, then fabricated a public perception of Sandmann that triggered intimidation and threats of violence or death against the student.

None of it was true.

As noted here, Kentucky has a much lower standard in cases involving a minor.

 Nick Sandmann is not a public figure, and the Bluegrass state has a much lower bar when the falsehood is directed at a minor.

While there’s generally a high bar for libel lawsuits in the United States, attorney Robert Barnes, who’s representing some of the students from Covington, previously told Fox News there’s a “unique exception” in this case.

“When there is a defamation and libel of private citizens, particularly minors, then the legal standard goes way down,” Barnes said.

Phillips was caught in multiple lies as part of his smear.

Phillips initially told The Washington Post that the teenagers surrounded him as he was simply trying to get out of a bad situation and proceed to the Lincoln Memorial. Once video showed that it was Phillips who approached the teenagers — and not the other way around — he changed his story to claim the Covington teens were engaged in a racist back-and-forth with some Black Hebrew Israelites.

WaPo’s Complicity

TheDemocracy dies in DarknessWashington Post is at the top of the list of those likely to face a lawsuit. The same ‘trusted news source’ that spiked the Justin Fairfax rape story before he was elected Lt. Gov. of Virginia. The difference being that while WaPo has very little credibility on the question of publishing credible or incredible rape allegations based on political party (Kavanaugh compared to Fairfax), there was significant evidence within a very short window that Phillips was a serial liar.

The crack team of professional investigative journalists looked like a matures compared to the new media. But that’s because of WaPo’s bias and a mad desire to break any story about MAGA hats, White Supremacy, and Hate.  A rush to judgment that put their business, Phillips, and some fifty-plus others on the docket. With plenty of rope to hang rhetorically themselves.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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