Liberal “Facts” You Didn’t Know: The Pledge of Allegiance is rooted in “White Supremacy.”

Steve MacDonald

If you ever thought you’d get a moments peace, forget it. What passes for the Liberal mind never sleeps. There is always another injustice that needs a scapegoat. Not that you couldn’t predict with near perfect accuracy who might be to blame. Tigger warning. It’s white people and their white privilege.

And what could be more white, or in this case an example of white supremacy, than the Pledge of Allegiance?

“A group of America-hating progressives have gathered to re-write the Pledge of Allegiance to eliminate the “nativism and white supremacy” the pledge is soaked in…

Warner Todd Huston has more,

“The upgraded version should read: ‘I pledge allegiance and love to our indigenous and immigrant heritage, rooted in the United States of America, to our civil rights for which we strive, one voice, one nation, for equality and justice for all,’” Mr. Vargas wrote in a commentary piece for The Hill, a newspaper covering Congress and Washington.

Vargas also had an absurd, touchy-feelie idea that Americans should deliver his new pledge facing each other instead of facing the flag.

What if you have to look at a white person? Wouldn’t that be, I shudder at the thought.

A Republic if You Can Keep It

But I can see why they’d want to ditch that whole ‘And to the Republic for which it stands’ rubbish. And one nation under God? Blech. What card-carrying Democrat Socialist, Race-pimping, Social Justice, virtue signaller would want to be part of that? Let’s stare at each other instead. That way we’ll remember our faces after we’re “disappeared” one-by-one by the Diversity Police. When they finally catch up to us for all those cultural misappropriations hate crimes they’ll invent.

One moment he’s trying on a sombrero and the next thing you know Google’s Rainbow Warriors scoop him up in their driver-less Prius and he hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Re-re-re-education camp is my guess. Whisper/ he really was kind of a bit to white.

Or maybe it was the fashion police. They operate out of the ministry of Weed, Alcohol, and Women’s Healthcare. It used to be Alcohol Tobacco and firearms. What are firearms? Fully semi-automatic assault shotgun AR-15’s. You know, criminals have them. That’s why the local police have tanks now.

Don’t laugh. Future revisions of the “pledge” will be painted on the side of a barn at Manor Farm.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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