Principal Says No Nazi Symbols in School Production of The Sound of Music

Steve MacDonald

If you saw the movie Fame or watched the Television show (it was on before the Internet, back when we had rotary phones), you know the school. It is a liberal performing arts school where the liberal comes first. Before the Thursday opening of a production of the Sound of Music, the principal required all the “Nazi” flags and symbols removed from the show.

Related: Breaking News: Snowflakes Don’t Like Being Called Snowflakes

The principal at the elite “Fame” school, Lisa Mars, ordered Nazi flags and symbols removed from the stage set of the beloved tale of the Von Trapp family, who fled the Nazis from their native Austria as Adolf Hitler took power, students told the Daily News.

Okay, Maybe just one or two

The school did eventually agree to leave the Nazi flag in two scenes by the sound of things. One, I suspect, which the New York Daily News points out, is when the Patriarch of the Von Trapp family famously rips the Nazi flag in half. Loses some of its umph if it’s just a piece of fabric. 

The other? I don’t know. But the whole point is escaping the Nazi’s. You can’t just cut the Nazis out. 

Here’s a guy in a uniform we don’t want to wear. It cuts me all the wrong way. Let’s sing our way to the Swiss Alps. A place where they also don’t have Nazi flags which is good in real life, but this is theater.

And it’s a problem.

Because the actual issue is Snowflakes. The kiddies are too sensitive. Can’t have them trying to process all that history and what it means. Just listen to the songs, sing along. Happy happy joy joy. Don’t worry we’ve got safe-spaces and councilors are standing by – sitting if standing makes you nervous.

I am 16 going on 17 teachers won’t let me breathe…

And the issue within the issue is that the kiddies might realize that the ideology they are being spoon-fed has a lot of the same priorities as the National Socialist German Workers Party. Which sounds eerily similar to Democrat Socialist or is it Socialist Democrats? All of which rely on kiddies of all ages buying into some form of fascism, smiley-faced or otherwise.

Talk about a crisis.

Related: The Progressive Inheritance: Snowflakes Triggering Snowflakes Triggering Snowflakes


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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