FBI: Record number of illegal immigrants tried to buy guns this year
The FBI this year has turned away a record number of illegal immigrants trying to buy guns, according to a new report of background checks. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System said that it rejected 7,836,600 planned purchases from “illegal/unlawful alien” in 2018. And that was at the end of November. Christmas purchases of guns are typically high and were not included. That number has been increasing in recent years. In 2017, it was 7.3 million. The year before, it was 7 million rejections. In 2015, it hit 6.6 million.
Given how the Democrats in DC are holding the safety of this country hostage over the budget because they want “their” illegal aliens here to be their new electorate as well as keep shoving a stick into the Donald’s (and his base and the feckless Republicans in DC, sure, I have no problem in politicizing this as they have. Speaking of illegal immigrants, here’s where the likes of Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan, the dubious duo of dunderhead in the US Senate, decry “illegal” and “immoral” guns yet it is THEIR actions that are creating the largest illegal group trying to illegally obtain firearms from lawful gun stores and FFL’s.
Yep, by setting up the conditions to allow (nay, encourage) illegal aliens to come into the country, and then they want guns, Democrats get a wonderful two-fer:
- demographically changing the electorate towards those that want Big Government to service them (instead of being self-reliant)
- showing that too many people that shouldn’t get guns are still trying, so they’ll yammer that even MORE restrictions must be laid onto lawful citizens.
Yep, it doesn’t matter that lawful citizens, you know, are lawful. In their eyes, one feeds the other – almost like they planned it. And as illegal immigration continues, the higher they will be as a percentage of all those rejected by the FBI.
So WHY is it that illegal immigrants make up the highest prohibited group – and why do Democrats want even more to come in over our almost open border?
(H/T: Washington Examiner)