Let’s Hope Trump Sent the CDC with the Troops to the Southern Border

One of the under-reported problems with open-borders policy (other than the gangs, human traffickers, drugs, illegal sanctuary policies, and oh, yeah – illegal entry itself) is the introduction of diseases common to central and South America. 

These are diseases that represent a serious health crisis to Americans. 

 “Of course it could happen here,” Dr. Orient said, referring to the health crisis ignited by Venezuelans in South America. She points out that even legal immigrants are not screened as they should be. “The government is putting kids with lice and scabies and other health issues in American schools without people knowing the health risks,” Dr. Orient said. When immigrants arrived at Ellis Island they were properly tested for diseases and quarantined, Dr. Orient points out. Now they’re allowed to stay in the U.S. without proper health screenings and many get relocated throughout the country, further risking the spread of diseases.

Judicial Watch reports that,

Dr. Jane Orient, (is the) executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. At her Tucson, Arizona practice, Dr. Orient, a graduate of the prestigious Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, specializes in internal medicine. In an interview with Judicial Watch she said that extremely drug resistant strands of tuberculosis are among the infectious diseases the Central American migrants are likely to bring in. Others include mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and chikungunya that are widespread in the region.

California’s Sanctuary State status has resulted in any number of health issues, from those listed above to others like Leprosy.

Jurupa Unified School District officials sent a letter home to parents Friday to inform them about the unconfirmed cases (of Leprosy) and provide resources to learn more about the rare disease, said district Supt. Elliott Duchon.

The current immigration policy priorities coming from the Left do not include the necessary screening process required for potential immigrants who present themselves at the border. Those that are encouraged to sneak in and are then protected in places like California, or even Lawrence Massachusetts, just across New Hampshire’s Southern Border, are just as prone to carry infectious diseases as any of them.

This uncontrolled introduction whether as refugees or Asylees or illegal entrants marching in small armies toward our sovereign borders ads yet another threat to the legal population.

Drugs, gangs, crime, human trafficking, and disease.

If the Left is so concerned perhaps they could take a fraction of the billions they dump into buying elections every two years and immunize people in their native countries? Planned Parenthood International could stop aborting babies in those countries and vaccinate them instead.

No, that’s not going to happen. 

They’re not interested in saving those nations they are hellbent on destroying ours, regardless of the cost you have to pay to make that happen.

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