BlogQuestion of the Day: “2020 starts now, Skip”

by Skip

We helped Democrats rack up historic victories in 2018 — taking back the House, flipping key state legislative chambers, and picking up governors’ mansions and Senate seats. The reason we won all of these races is that grassroots donors invested in these races early, and helped build a foundation for victory.

That’s the title and part of the message of yet another email missive I got from the Democrat National Committee (as an Independent, they’ve glommed onto my email address, along with almost every other Democrat group and candidate – DELUGED with email these past few months. Jus’ askin’.  Look, I’m only 1 guy in a very small State with only 1 vote.  So why are the Democrats so hungry and already reaching out?  And it isn’t just from the DNC, either!  Yet:

 So why haven’t the Republican apparatuses done the same? With the same frequency and intensity?

Yeah, I get on all kinds of kooky R email distros but a lot of them are similar to those that wrecked the TEA Party – “consultants” asking for money where the money went into their pockets instead of to candidates and leached the Movement dry – those I’m not counting them. For me, they’re like the proverbial flies on cow-pies and spreading diseases all over.

Did the Rs get that complacent or is a reaction to an outsider running “the Party” that the Establishment decided “not again – get rid of the supporters so we can have it all for ourselves again. Just vote when and how we tell you to and you’ll know it’s us when the phone don’t ring). It’s not like we haven’t seen this on multiple occasions and in different guises, right?

I don’t expect it to change any time soon – the GOP and NH GOP are going through a well needed self-examination. I have my doubts, however, given that it seems like 2006 deja vue’d again and even afterwards, there really was no change.  What DID happen is that the entire political process got Black Swan’d: the TEA Party.  Unless someone can give me a LOT of evidence to the contrary, it wasn’t the GOP that won in 2008 – it was the TEA Party looking at the Rs and saying “They suck almost as bad as the Dems but their platforms work for us. They’ve strayed but WE will go back to Constitutional limits, Free Markets, and govt living within OUR means – and drag them over the finish line”.

And proceeded to do so. Twice. And then the GOPe turned on them. And after giving them what they whined about for years (“the House….the Senate….the Presidency!”), we gave it to them. So what have they done with it?

Yes, Tax Reform.  Yes, Trump and McConnell are installing conservative and originalist judges into place whose foundational outlooks will last well after those two are gone. But what ELSE have the Rs done?  Similarly, the NH GOP?

Not much.  Not much at all.  Yes, Constitutional Carry and Tax Reform stick out the most. They also turned off the base with Crony Capitalism (the biomass bail-outs that raise costs for us all), anti-Free Speech / anti Parents (gay conversion ban), raising our Taxes (the gas tax – led by Rs) and enlarging Govt (Medicaid Expansion).  There’s tons more but we’ve covered them (these are just a coupla of my bigger bug-a-boos).

So, what WILL the GOP, what WILL the NH GOP stand for – and ACCOMPLISH?  Right now, not much – they handed the Power keys to the Dems in this election. Good luck with that.

So here’s this – IF you email, you’d better not be asking ME for money as YOU shut that spigot off.  EARN my attention, EARN my willingness, and then do the things that MIGHT get me to vote for you again. And for the love of Liberty, take notice of this free advice (it’s not like it’s all brand new):

Consistency breeds Trust yielding Votes

Winning is only a precursor; it’s what you do AFTERWARDS is most important

If the NH Republican Party wants to win, and win Consistently, act like you believe in the Platform.  Speak like you do and at each and every turn.  Vote like you do at each and every opportunity.  And Legislate like there’s no tomorrow because two days ago was that “no more tomorrow” – and you blew it.

And for gosh sake, get off yer fat butts and campaign like you mean it!


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