Molly Kelly Admits She’ll Continue to Allow Out-of-Staters to SUPPRESS Actual NH Voters

When Senate Bill 3 was passed and signed into law by Governor Sununu, the left flipped their lids, why? Because the legislation makes it so that voters actually have to be ‘permanent residents’ of New Hampshire.


Why in the hell would anyone DEMAND that the people voting in their state be ACTUAL residents of the state and not temporary residents like campaign workers or college students who can vote via absentee ballot in their home state?


A MAJORITY of Granite Staters only want their actual fellow Granite Staters voting in New Hampshire elections, including Democrats.

This is coming up again because a lower-court judge tried to put an injunction on SB 3 but was overruled by the NH Supreme Court in a unanimous ruling:

The New Hampshire Supreme Court, in a unanimous ruling late Friday, kept in place through the Nov. 6 election the voter registration forms used by local officials in the past several elections following the enactment of a controversial law tightening voter identification requirements.

A lower court on Monday blocked the state from using the forms required by the 2017 law known as Senate Bill 3, ruling that the law – and the forms – were confusing and imposed “unreasonable and discriminatory” burdens on voters. The law, passed by Republican lawmakers and signed by Gov. Chris Sununu, requires voters to show proof of domicile in New Hampshire, or pledge to provide documentation to local officials within 10 to 30 days after an election.

Here’s a little information about what SB 3 actually does:

Earlier this year, the state Senate passed Senate Bill 3, an innocuous measure aimed at ensuring that a new voter has taken the steps necessary to make New Hampshire “the one place, more than any other, from which he or she engages in the domestic, social, and civil activities of participating in democratic self-government.”

In other words, New Hampshire is doing what every state should: ensuring that its voter rolls list only actual residents of the state, not activists and partisans eager to swing narrow elections by crossing state lines and voting where they do not live.

SB 3 doesn’t actually go far enough, in my opinion, but what it doesn’t do is suppress the votes of college students.

What it does do is bring some semblance of integrity back into our elections and END the VOTER SUPPRESSION of actual Granite Staters.

Of course, all elected NH Democrats (and candidates) are against it and Molly Kelly has let voters know that she’ll continue to allow THEIR VOTES to BE SUPPRESSED by out-0f-staters if she’s elected.

If out-of-state college students are too stupid to ‘adult’ and vote via absentee ballot, maybe they should question whether or not they should even BE in college.

Yet another reason NOT to vote for Democrats on November 6th.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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