UPDATE: Bumped up from 6/5,7/9, 7/20, 8/2 as August 18th will soon be here; consider this a reminder!
Well, I do know which end of a golf club to hold, and I know the object is to put a small ball into a rather small hole, but that’s the extent of my knowledge of the game. However, the SDGANH is a relatively new conservative alternative to the Progressive-ly captured the New Hampshire School Boards Association and it is looking for new members (prior or currently elected School Board or Budget Committee members) and concerned citizens in support of their mission (“Helping School Board and Budget Committee members discover their Powers”), are looking to raise some funds:
So if you know more than I about golf, have some best buddies that can play the game, and want to support a badly needed alternative voice than the NHSBA, please get involved! Again, the date is Saturday August 18th from 8am – noon at the Stonebridge Country Club in Goffstown (161 Gorham Pond Road). If you need more info, go here.