“that the area is not being operated for the benefit of the county citizens and the Gunstock Commission recognizes no responsibility to do so.”
By NH State Representative Marc Abear
[Answer is “NO”. They ought to privatize it as running a ski area is not a Proper Role of Government. Neither is monopolizing liquor sales -Skip. Lightly reformatted, emphasis mine]
To The Daily Sun,
The best government comes about when we the people are informed and involved. Gunstock is a case in point. It is important that the people of Belknap County grasp how Gunstock is being operated, for whom, and why.
Last fall, a Gunstock Commissioner, the lead MOA negotiator, and chairman of the commission was not reappointed to the commission though he campaigned for the position. He was not listening to the concerns of the delegation. Recently, the county delegation, for the first time, declined to authorize revenue anticipation note borrowing by Gunstock.
We should be interested in the issues surrounding these actions because: Gunstock is a large employer in the county. The county owns the property and the equipment. Gunstock’s debt is underwritten by Belknap County. The county is responsible for Gunstock, whether it succeeds or fails.
The enabling statute, RSA 399, makes the county delegation responsible to authorize debt, commissioner election, and for removal of the commissioners, after a public hearing. The Gunstock commissioners are responsible for the direct oversight of day-to-day operations, planning and accounting. The Gunstock Commission is a “body politic” meaning it is autonomous. It has decision-making authority within its ability to generate revenue and pay its bills.
The finances of the Gunstock Area, by statute, are required to flow through the county. There is, however, no separate account handled by the Belknap County Treasurer for that purpose. By statute there is provision for the calculation of payments due to the county which requires use of three years of audited financials at dates specified. That also does not currently happen as required. The books for the most current year are closed by the time specified but they are not audited in a timely manner. These situations seem to have been true since inception.
There is concern by some delegation members that the area is not being operated for the benefit of the county citizens and the Gunstock Commission recognizes no responsibility to do so. That concern comes, in part, from the Gunstock master plan which in part says, “… An understanding of the potential for the development of additional multi-season recreational facilities, as well as resort accommodations, will allow Gunstock’s management to make informed decisions during future negotiations that will be consistent with the over-reaching goals for the recreation area.” It goes on to say, “Further development of Gunstock is part of the Lakes Region Plan for Sustainable Progress: A Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy…” Nothing in the master plan recognizes a duty or responsibility to the owner of the land and equipment, the underwriter of their debt, the citizens of Belknap County.
Attendance at Gunstock Commission meetings provides further insight into the reasoning controlling the organization. Gunstock has a “profit sharing” plan. The commission has authorized contributions to the profit sharing plan, even in the absence of profit. There isn’t universal acceptance on the delegation of the Gunstock Commissioners’ action as proper administration of the plan or their proper recognition of responsibility to the owners of the recreation area. An argument can be made that the area staff are taken care of to the detriment of Belknap County and its taxpayers. A counter argument would be that it is a tough labor market where the added benefit attracts necessary staff.
Gunstock is a resource within the county. It does provide jobs. It does attract visitors. It has an impact on local property values. There are benefits from having a recreation area in the Lakes Region. Gunstock also competes directly with private sector businesses. It takes a significant amount of property off the tax rolls. The commission does not seem to want to accept input from the delegation. Its bylaws limit communication from the commission to the public.
Most basically, there is a question of whether running a recreation area is a proper function of government.
My hope is that this letter provides information highlighting issues surrounding Gunstock. The description may not be complete. There are likely points not made, views not represented but it is time to start thinking about elections. Elections have consequences. There are questions we should be asking candidates about Gunstock. The state representative candidates, some of whom will be elected, will be representing your interest on the delegation.
Rep. Marc Abear
(H/T: Laconia Daily Sun)