No, revenge doesn’t have to be served on a cold dish

by Skip

Trump to Obama Remember that WHCD where you dissed me

Perhaps; no one can tell me that revenge isn’t a part of politics.  In this case, I would say that, given how Obama treated Trump at that White House Correspondents Dinner a few years ago, this may well be the case.  Unfortunately, Obamanauts project this onto anyone that did and continues to oppose the Lightbearer’s policies because RACISM!

What they will not recognize or admit, most of us that vehemently opposed Obama was not because of who he was (except for the Alinsky type behavior) but for his policies.  But then again, they can’t see it as they see his Statist and Socialist ways (but I repeat myself) as “normal”.  We don’t – we can’t stand these unAmerican policies.

UPDATE: I think Steve’s image is far more pithy than I was in writing the above.

(H/T: Susan)

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