And the Statist Educrats are against DeVos at the Fed level and Edelblut here in NH? - Granite Grok

And the Statist Educrats are against DeVos at the Fed level and Edelblut here in NH?

I mean, how much more simple can it get to show reform is needed?

Modern Education version of onew-third-of-budget

I won’t repeat what Trump said to the inner cities (“what do you have to lose”) but more like this when you devolve the Education Power back to those that originally had to, parents,(and had the bad sense to “give it” to the Educrats and Public Sector Teacher unions:

Look at how much better it can get!

After all, those last two groups have precipitously lowered the bar.  Frank Edelblut can only raise it here in NH and having Betsy DeVos helping out to move the Power back to Parents deciding what is best for their kids.

Yeah, go do what Steve told you to do.

(H/T: Powerline)
