Oh, so Elizabeth Warren is adopting Hillary’s private / public face? Good to know

by Skip

120806_elizabeth_warren_605_apAnd we should be surprised at uber-Progressive US Senator “Fauxcahantus” Warren who has lied her way (really? TMEW has more Native American heritage than you do, High Cheeks) to a 1%-er cushy job at Harvard Law teaching 1 class / semester.  Hillary famously said that she has a private face (while talking to Wall Street swells for 6 figure “honorariums” for an hour’s work) saying what she really thinks while saying quite the other thing in her public events.  Evidentially, this is a “thing” among Progressives:

An example of this was evident on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show last night when Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, odds-on favorite to lead Democrats post-Hillary, decided it no longer serves any purpose in publicly insulting Trump’s supporters regardless of her actual opinions about them.

WARREN: You know, part of what happened on Tuesday is what Donald Trump offered up with this kind of toxic stew of bigotry, but there were millions of people across this country who voted for him not because of that bigotry, but in spite of that bigotry.

Read the transcript at the link.  My take on this is that Warren realized that Democrats have to reach out to those voters that left the Democrat Party and anything said to do that is perfectly fine.  It is CLEAR that she does think that Trump’s voters ARE bigoted and she has all but said that in the past.  And it is clear that she is of the Socialist band wagon and just can’t understand that Americans (still – but for how much longer given they have captured the Culture ramparts) won’t go along with her.  So, make nice in public, mollify their fears, entice them in.

Even as she internally believes they are bigoted deplorables.  They’re still scum but they need the votes.  Go all P.T. Barnum on their butts.

That’s her plan and she’s sticking to it.  Even if she has to build that herself.

(H/T: NewsBusters)

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