The UL has yet another evergreen piece on if NH would keep its FITN status during Presidential primaries as the RNC is already contemplating changing things up for the next primary. Nothing new but what caught my eye was the complete idiocy on the part of NH GOP RNC Committeeman Steve Duprey – it’s like he’s absolutely clueless on the differences between the Federal Government and “the various States” – and the Republican Party:
In any prospective leap-frogging on the nominating calendar, New Hampshire would maintain its leadoff primary status, but face a penalty for delegates not being seated. Anyway, that’s one view or possibility.
Efforts to have a “closed primary” system, closing the door to independents, runs counter to the 10th amendment, which assigns powers not delegated to the U.S. to the states and the people, Duprey contends.
“It strikes me as antithetical to the philosophy of the Republican Party,” he said. “We don’t tell Iowa what to do and Iowa doesn’t tell us what to do. I get a kick out of the fact that a Republican would suggest that.”
Why do Republicans keep putting up with this nitwittery? The 10th Amendment plays no role in this – the Party is under no Constitutional stricture on how it should run its primaries – and each Party in each state can run it as it wishes. So why, in God’s green earth, is Duprey quoting the 10th at all? If the Republican Party believes that it is better served by having primaries in which only Republicans vote (and I believe that is the right action), it can. If it doesn’t, well, then status quo.
Seriously, the 10th?