Marco Rubio: Let’s dispel with this notion that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.”
Jeb Bush: “My pledge to you: When I’m president I will not blame Barack Obama for a single thing,” he told listeners at the Nashua Country Club in Nashua, N.H. “The day that I’m sworn into office, I’m on watch — whatever it is.”
Sorry Jeb!, this doesn’t make it. Much of the malaise of the country is due directly to Obama’s policies that have festered for the last 7 years and for the last two (and the remaining one), he’s only stepped harder on the accelerator in transforming America for the worst.
Not a single thing? If you can’t name what is wrong and WHY it is wrong, you can’t fix it. This is just the extension, writ large, of Obama’s refusal to call it Islamic Jihadism. Jeb! just wants to extend that to EVERYTHING? He doesn’t want to blame Obama for Obamacare? Or embracing Dodd-Frank and the IRS targeting of Conservatives? Of forcing Christians to violate their faith in the HHS contraceptive mandate? Or forcing military chaplains to not preach their faith? Or bypassing Congress with his Executive Orders? Of saying nothing about the Iran agreement? Or the EPA killing off the California farmers? Of taking over the US car makers and then putting legit dealers out of business? Of running guns to Mexico to blame it on lawful gun dealers? For trying to supress Constitutional boundaries and ruling by fiat and decree like a banana republic despot?
Issue after issue, Jeb! will remain silent?
In this, Rubio IS right and Jeb is absolutely wrong.