Off To The BIG House Party?



Sanders C Robert Gibson
Vote suppressor C. Robert Gibson in Manchester NH. What’s he pretending to be today?

Feel the Bern !

Ah, the good old days. Every campaign starts out fresh and clean. You meet Mom and Pop, kiss a few babies, and choke down another croissant smeared with something.

Then there are the house parties every candidate loves to attend. The crowds pour out of someone’s front porch or living room just like the blue shirted gut on a certain infamous campaign helper pours out of his saggy black suit (above). Yea, I’m talking about a “Bernie for something” house party in Manchester. One of about three he had in NH since starting his wild campaign.

This house party featured our old pal Carl Robert Gibson who came to NH from Kentucky and Wisconsin and Connecticut, Texas, California, Illinois, and Mississippi, to help Bernie Sanders become President of the New United States of Crazy Talk.That’s Carl with the black suit and blue shirt, glad-handing the “crowd’ in Manchester on May 2, 2015 before he was arrested for voter suppression and filing false documents.

This sneaky low life was all smiles while campaigning with the senator from a few college towns in a backwater state pretty much owned by New Yorkers like the senator himself and Ben and Jerry.

Little did we know until about May 15 that Carl was plotting and planning his next professional campaign move – pretend to be a Republican candidate dropping out of the race days before the vote.

How does Bernie Sanders find such professional campaign staff?

Josh Uretsky

Remember the flap about a Sanders campaign staffer, Josh Uretsky, looking into the bowels of Hillary’s voter data? Here is his picture.

He looks like Carl Robert Gibson with a bad wig!

They have something else in common. I will be tracking them to see if they both might still be working on the Sanders campaign.

Welcome to NH boys.

Feel the burn.



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