Donald Trump is a sore loser, so he lashes out. Give him a pacifier.
He’s crude; he even manages to present reasonable proposals in an offensive way.
He’s nasty: consider his vicious comments about Ben Carson, Megyn Kelly, Carli Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, et al.
Perhaps Trump attacks personally because he can’t debate policy. Perhaps former President Carter is right that Trump is “completely malleable”, without any fixed positions.
We don’t know Trump’s judicial philosophy. Who will he nominate for the Supreme Court? His sister? His friend, Laurence Tribe? Both are dedicated leftists.
How will he save Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, or balance the budget? How will he protect the American people from terrorists, drugs, criminals, and gang violence? How will he fix the Obama caused disaster in the Middle East?
Does he care about the Constitution? Does he believe in Federalism? Will he shrink or grow our big government? Does he support the Patriot Act and/or the incarceration of citizens without due process?
Trump says he loves the military, will fix the VA, and will fix everything. No word on how he’ll do any of these things, take it on faith; this is reminiscent of “Hope and Change”.
How is he going to make America great again? By making deals like his sellout to the ethanol special interests in Iowa? Deals like that hurt the American people!
Like establishment politicians, Trump believes in subsidies, the various bailouts, crony capitalism, and the use of eminent domain to transfer property to someone who will use it “more productively”.
It’s great to see someone stand up to the political establishment that governs against the interests of the American people. We like seeing someone unintimidated by the media or political correctness. But these can be done without being crass…but apparently not by Trump.
Not only that but people say Trump stiffs his contractors and cheats at golf.
Imagine being faced with choosing between the current front runners in the Presidential Primary, Trump and Hillary. Yuk!
Trump is a crass, nasty narcissist. Hillary is a scandal ridden big government proponent, who is careless with our nation’s most sensitive secrets, who helped Obama create the Middle East disaster, who couldn’t handle the 5 p.m. call for help from Benghazi, who according to her husband’s sexual assault victims threatened them into silence, and who used her government office for personal benefit against the best interests of the American people, etc., etc.
We should say to these two leaders: “You’re Fired!” Vote for Bernie or any Republican but Trump. Ted Cruz is the most trustworthy conservative and he gets my vote.