Democrat Party superdelegates supremely show institutionalized Voter Fraud. And Socialism’s results.


Ayup – Bernie Sanders ought to be careful about what he claims to be rigged (the economy) and what really is (voting for the Democrat Party Prez nominee) (Image H/T: Powerline):


Bernie is now feeling the effects of the redistribution of the NH voters that he got – directly to his enemy.  Just like when A students are forced to get their skill and efforts given to those that party hardy and majored in underwater basket weaving (I guess nowadays it is “gender” studies).  The Republican base (to which I no longer belong, thankfully) oft complains about the Elites going backroom to deal them out; the Dems have institutionalized their “racism / discrimination against their own base” (emphasis mine, reformatted):

CNN’s “The Lead” host Jake Tapper…asked Wassereman Schultz, “Hillary Clinton lost to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire by 22 percentage points, the biggest victory in a contested Democratic primary there since John F. Kennedy, but it looks as though Clinton and Sanders are leaving the Granite State with the same number of delegates in their pockets, because Clinton has the support of New Hampshire’s superdelegates, these party insiders. What do you tell voters who are new to the process who [say] this makes them feel like it’s all rigged?

She answered,

“Well, let me just make sure that I can clarify exactly what was available, during the primaries in Iowa and in New Hampshire. The unpledged delegates are a separate category. The only thing available on the ballot in a primary and a caucus is the pledged delegates, those that are tied to the candidate that they are pledged to support, and they receive a proportional number of delegates going into the — going into our convention. Unpledged delegates exist really, to make sure that party leaders and elected officials, don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists. We are, as a Democratic Party, — really highlight and emphasize inclusiveness and diversity at our convention, and so we want to give every opportunity to grassroots activists, and diverse, committed Democrats to be able to participate, attend, and be a delegate at the convention, and so we separate out those unpledged delegates to make sure that there isn’t competition between them.”

Got that: to make sure that party leaders and elected officials, don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists.  I had to read that a couple of times but my takeaway is that this “bicameral” system is nothing but for show.  The Little People can yell, canvas, call, sign wave, and the like all they want. The Dem Party Elites encourage it – it’s their way to have the plebes pay and do their own “bread and circuses”.  Meanwhile, the Elites have already backdoored their backrooms and have predetermined their nominee.

How must if feel to be one of the Democrat “outsider” activists (because if you ain’t a superdelegate, you’re not part of the “football team/ cheerleader clique” insiders, giving all you got, only for the Elite to smile nicely (i.e., a smirk), pat you on the head, and go “maybe next time – but now go out and vote OUR way”.

Truth in process, this ain’t.  At least on the R side, the upfront part is open and transparent.  Yes, the Rs have their own backdoor in place by changing the “winner take all / everyone gets a part of the trophy (delegates)” rules but at least the one man / one vote is still in play; the Dem superdelegates can play by their own rules.

And they always rail about “democracy” and “being transparent” (like this current Democrat Prez Admin that continues to claim to be the most open and transparent administration EVAH!) – but face it, superdelegates like NH’s Kathy Sullivan know EXACTLY what is going on.  Thus making her part of the problem.

So the next time she starts in that shrill voice about somesuch thing about the Republicans, remind her of how unhinged she is to her own Party’s base.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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