Of course Hillary can’t because she CAN’T; it would finally admitting that Democrats hate our entire system of government – Socialists HATE our stated form of government, a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected Representatives. Instead, they feel put upon that THEY just can’t rule by fiat (re: Obama) or see us ruled by like-minded technocratic bureaucrats. After all, THEY are the experts – all-knowing and (??) non-partisan. Except we know, in the latter case, they aren’t and they aren’t. But they certainly keep trying to change America, little by little, decade by decade, all the same.
Back to Hillary – here’s Chris Matthews, once again, asking this top level Democrat “what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist”?
Notice the prevarication, the hesitation, the deflection and finally, the outright refusal to answer. It’s rather easy: both want to rule your lives and how you live it. THEY want to use government to determine every jot and tittle of how a “free” American is to live, according to THEIR precepts. Ours? Not so much. My measuring stick is quite simple: what area of your live remains totally untouched by government law, statute, regulation, or ordinance?And even more important (and sadder), why have we allowed this to happen?
Transcript (emphasis mine):
MATTHEWS: OK, last question, we’re running out of time. I want to try to help you for this audience tonight, our audience, locate yourself politically in this country. Now, we have Trump out there and we have Bernie out here. Now, Bernie calls himself a socialist. Nobody uses a derogatory term anymore [Er, only other socialists, Chris -Skip]. He loves to have that label. He’s never ran as a Democrat, he runs against Democrats up there in Vermont. You’re a Democrat. I would say you’re a pretty typical Democrat, in the traditional Democratic Party [it is now, now that the Blue Dogs and Reagan Democrats have been run off. And Chris conveniently unremembers her Alinsky connection. -Skip]. And Humphry and the rest of them. Scoop [Jackson], not even Scoop, I’d say Rondale, you’re somewhere in there. What’s the difference between a socialist and a Democrat. Is that a question you want to answer or you’d rather not, politically.
CLINTON: Well, you’d have to –
MATTHEWS: Well, see, I’m asking you. You’re a Democrat, he’s a socialist. Would you like somebody to call you a socialist? I wouldn’t like somebody calling me a socialist.
CLINTON: But I’m not one. I mean, I’m not one.
MATTHEWS: What’s the difference between a socialist and a Democrat. That’s the question.
CLINTON: I can tell you what I am. I am a Progressive Democrat.
MATTHEWS: How is that deferent (sic) than a socialist?
CLINTON: I’m a Progressive Democrat who likes to get things done and who believes that we are better off in this country when we’re trying to solve problems together. Getting people to work together. There will always be strong feelings and I respect that, from, you know, the far right, the far left, libertarians, whoever it might be. We need to get people working together. We’ve got to get the economy fixed, we’ve got to get all of our problems, you know, really tackled and that’s what I want to do.
Simply blather – she complete avoids the question and the answer.
MATTHEWS: I think the difference is, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz wouldn’t answer the question either when I asked her. Because I know politically you have to keep together the center-left and the left has to work together. I know all of that.
But we know what the answer is – all one has to do is listen to her campaign ads – in every single instance, she has an answer for everything and everything centers around that government is the center of American life. No, it shouldn’t be, but that’s what Socialists are, do, and worst of all, demand. Or else. Doubt me?
Matt Kibbe has this from the Socialist, Bernie:
…“If Wall Street does not end its greed, we will end it for them.” So says presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, the avowed “democratic socialist” currently trouncing Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, and nipping at her heels in Iowa. The line, delivered to raucous applause at a Democratic campaign rally this past Tuesday in New York City, sums up the raison d’être of Sander’s platform.
We will end it for them.
That phrase should be absolutely chilling. If Government doesn’t like how people are acting legally, if people feel or think differently, they will end it. This is Freedom? Nope – this is socialism.
Greed? Capitalism’s greed is only fulfilled when individual people give companies money. Voluntarily. Socialists / Leftists / Democrats decry the Walton Family and Wal-Mart and it’s “greed”. Gosh, all I keep thinking – a la Bernie’s “rigged economy” nonsense – they only got rich by serving others.
Yes, serving others – providing customers with goods at a price they find attractive. Both win; how can that be rigged? The money doesn’t flow into WalMart if the goods are crap. But they aren’t and it has. Bottom line is that PEOPLE get to decide their own consumer behavior. Socialism, however, DEMANDS.
This is the difference between socialism and capitalism in a nutshell: Government compulsion versus voluntary cooperation.
The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen
Socialism is ALWAYS is about bigger Government. But like a true Socialist, and Hillary sounds just the same, Bernie
Greed – looketh at yourself in thy mirror, oh man who has lived his entire life at the public trough. True greed is living at the expense of others – and not acknowledging it. And desiring, not just money, but something even more evil – power over others.
THAT is true greed.
Update – This is cute from Streiff of RedState:
There is really no difference between the modern Democrat party and the Socialist ruling claque of your typical Third World s***hole.
Do you agree that Democrats are just Socialists with better clothes?
(H/T: Hot Air)