On Meet The Press today, Steve Schmidt (of the failed McCain campaign) brought out that 43% of Iowa Democrats self identify as Socialists and not as capitalists. I didn’t know that but it is an eye-popping statistic lending credence that the Democrat Party has gone far more Left than the Republicans have gone Right. After all, I have put up the videos of DWS and Hillary unable to tell Chris Matthews what the difference is between those two points on the political spectrum.
And then this (Heh!): Stephanie Cutter (former deputy campaign manager for Obama):
Iowa has always had, whether they call themselves Socialists or Liberal Democrats, has always had this tremendous liberal strain in the Democrat Party. It was there in ’08 and it was there in 2012 which is why as an Obama campaign official, we never really pushed too hard back on the socialist arguments that people in your Party were making.
At least she’s honest about it. After watching the show, I ran across the post from which this stat was mentioned:
From Progressives Today:
Little noticed in this week’s Des Moines Register-Bloomberg Politics Iowa poll was this finding: a remarkable 43 percent of likely Democratic caucus participants describe themselves as socialists, including 58 percent of Sanders’s supporters and about a third of Clinton’s.
In 2008, leftists seethed if you called Obama a socialist.
So much for our bedrock American values, eh? After all, Socialism is anthema to core, original bedrock American political philosophy.