Mark Kelly was in New Hampshire not long ago. We made fun of him. Now he’s being stupid on Meet The Press, where I think he may be using his anti-gun crusade to tell us that he has a …personal problem.
I mean, I just saw this blog entry by [CNN’s] Fareed Zakaria the other day, that the one area is middle-aged white men where life expectancy is going down. So you have this segment of society that just feels like they’re losing things, and they look at gun issues and their right to own a gun as one of those things that they might be losing.
“This is my rifle, this is my gun,” …you know that one Mark, who is (by the way) a …middle-aged white guy. A middle-aged white guy trying to take other guys ‘guns’ away.
I don’t think this is about what those “other guys” are losing, is it. Mark?
H/T Daniel Tamburello – Facebook