Mike Flynn at Breitbart has a nice long piece on Kelly Ayotte’s declining fortunes in New Hampshire politics. No, not the ‘the base wont vote for that Georgetown Kool Aid drinking establishment RINO‘ misfortune we’ve been on about. He’s referring to RLCNH Chair Aaron Day’s threat to run as a third party candidate in her race if Republicans pass Medicaid expansion.
But I digress.
Part of that article involved locating some evidence that the NHGOP had actually stepped out in one of its finest moments and advocated for Medicaid expansion, and lucky for them, and us, Skip copied and posted a press release in which they did just that.
Here’s a copy of the release from Skip’s 11/18/2013 post.
For Immediate Release: November 7, 2013
Concord – New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chairman Jennifer Horn released the following statement today on the health care plan proposed by Senate Republicans:
“Republicans and Democrats share the goal of expanding access to health care for New Hampshire’s low income families. However, Republicans understand that the best way to reach this objective is to offer access to high quality private insurance instead of pushing them into a broken, financially struggling entitlement program.
“Senator Republicans have developed a sensible plan that helps low-income people get private insurance and prevents a fiscal crisis that will impose an income tax on Granite State families. They have worked across the aisle to develop a solution that is right for New Hampshire. It is time for Governor Hassan to put aside her rigid, partisan ideology and embrace this responsible plan that will help working families access the quality health care that they need.”
Is there a problem, aside from the whole Republicans embracing ObamaCare, the Medicaid trap, and the “strings” and bureaucratic arrows of outrageous political misfortune? Yes. According to Flynn and Breitbart that press release no longer exists at the NHGOP website. I can’t find it either.
Why? All the other press releases are there, and many with an older vintage.
Did it have a shelf life?? I can’t see how, given that NHGOP party leaders in the legislature are still hell-bent on expanding the expansion past it’s expiration date.
And they wonder why the base is rebelling?
I guess Gov. Sununu isn’t the only on out of touch with the electorate.
And no, that press release isn’t the only thing the NHGOP ‘created’ that has a shelf life. Ayotte’s political career is looking like it is about to expire as well. (Anyone know of a good candidate to primary her that Republicans will actually vote for in the General election?)
*And before I forget, are there any more press releases missing?