Awe, why not continue the pile on? Corey Lewandowski gives the smack down to Fergus Cullen

by Skip

Fergus-Cullen-Grape-Kool-AidThat would either be “The Fringe” or “Fungus” – take your pick for nickname, as they both realiably denotehis reality.  And here Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s national campaign manager (and ‘Grok friend) decided to show Fergus the consequence when one enters the political Octogon full of hubris and totally unarmed in a battle of wit and repartee:

“Number one, Mr. Trump’s views do comport with the Republican Party and number two, from a constitutional stand point, there is such a thing as freedom of speech,” Lewandowski said. “To file such a document against the person who is not only the frontrunner, but leading by tremendous margins is outrageous. If anything like this would ever happen Mr. Trump’s supporters would probably riot in the streets of New Hampshire. This is yet another attempt by the failed GOP establishment to keep Mr. Trump off the ballot because they know he is the only one who can Make America Great Again.”

While I don’t think that  ALL of Trump’s positions meet a conservative’s standard, he certainly is not outside the Republican sphere. That broadside of Cullen’s ignorance of the Freedom of Speech certainly opened a gaping hole below Fergus’s waterline (not there’s all that much above it, either); one would expect this Ivy Leaguer (Hahvad, dontcha know) to know a little bit of the Constitution (as the spirit there of should embue all of our daily lives even as that is a stricture on Govt and not between individuals.  However, it seems like Cullen’s outlook is like that of the campus Maoists that are looking not to debate but to crush dissent.

And certainly, just by reviewing his actual record of losing, Fergus does catch Lewandowski’s Right “failed GOP establishment” hook to the head – let’s see how long it takes him to realize he’s politically concussed.

(H/T: Union Leader)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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