Sanders is possessed of the ancient 20th century Nordic “tradition” of the socialist paradise. He loves him some “modern” Swedish economics, see also Socialism the Third Way. He may also think those Lads from Liverpool are still on tour and he’s just waiting for them to come ’round so he can see the show.
Sorry Sanders, the Beatles are not on tour and your love affair with the Swedish model of central planning is also so last century, kind of like you.
About 20 years ago the Swede’s figured something out that escapes the Europhile-leftists in the American Democrat party. There is no utopia, and central planning doesn’t work as advertised.
No, Sweden is not now an economic, free-market paradise, but unlike Sanders, Clinton, and company, having ignored history and dabbled to the detriment of their economies and their people, they have taken a turn away from the thing Bernie Sanders loves most about their experimentation with a socialist economy. hey discovered that there is no ‘Third Way.‘
Third way policies are often upheld as the normal state of Swedish policies. In reality, one can better understand these policies as a social experiment, with poor outcomes in terms of stagnating growth, which has with time been abandoned. Interestingly, even the leading Social democrats at the time seem to have been aware of the damage that third way policies could do.
As the primary unfolds and the general election approaches, American’s need to grasp the wreckage of Obamanomics and understand that another Democrat president, no matter what economic promises they make or what name they attach to them, will only salt that wound.
They don’t work, unless by “work” you mean making government dependents of people and businesses. That’s called socialism, which is a utopia of sorts for politicians, bureaucrats, union bosses, and a few connected cronies, but misery for everyone else.