Yes, he “speaks long” – but pretty much hits almost every point why conservatives libertarians in the Republican Party (or as some have done and I am almost to that point, have left the Party) are livid over what is being done and not done in our names (the word Cruz uses is “volcanic” – pretty apt). The guy has an absolutely amazing memory – and he nails every point needed.
And what we see is the big picture of utter disrespect those in DC have for us outside the Beltway. Go ahead and “dip” through different parts of it – if you aren’t clenching your teeth in anger over what he describes in trying to stop this “bipartisan” (which translates to “screw you, taxpayer!”) budget bill that only hoists the flag that shows how dysfunctional they are, you’re ready to be a Halloween Zombie, devoid of common sense, a righteous sense of outrage, and harboring no consciousness of the continuing pile on of debt “on the children”.
(H/T: Daily Signal)