To progressives not all black lives matter, not even those that survive the abortion-cult cleansing rituals.
To the progressive left, advocating for better education for minority students is “racist.” Because, you know, #BlackLivesMatter, but one shouldn’t actually try to do anything about it, other than march in the streets, hold signs, get on TV, and condemn white people as racist– well, at least white people who aren’t Democrats.
Charter Schools, voucher programs, Renaissance schools, trade and craft schools, and private schools all offer parents a means for finding the right fit for their child outside the union power-base. The left hates that. So, education is a another great example of the left’s lack of compassion. The lie of Liberal compassion. They don’t care about these kids. They don’t care about education. They care about union bosses, campaign donations, politics, money, and power.