Where Colin Van Ostern tells me “Golf Foxtrot Yankee”

From: VanOstern, Colin (Colin.VanOstern@nh.gov)
             9:34 pm (9 hours ago)
To:     Susan Olsen
Re:    Aborted baby parts
Hi Susan –

I appreciate your note, and your passion on this issue.

I believe that preventative care like birth control and annual exams for low income New Hampshire women are in everyone’s best interests, and I’m grateful that Planned Parenthood provides these critical services.

I understand your personal opposition to abortion, but the U.S. Supreme Court has settled this issue; it is a legal procedure and I believe it should be done in a safe, professional health care practice.  And in the case of publicly-funded family planning contracts, none of the funds are legally able to be used for that purpose.


Colin Van Ostern
Executive Councilor, NH-02
(603) 290-5848
PO Box 193, Concord, NH 03302


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