What WOULD It Take To Get Chris Sununu to Stop Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood?

Steve MacDonald
Image: WMUR- Political Scoop

Executive Councilor Chris Sununu has voted to fund Planned Parenthood in the past so it is not unreasonable to think he’d do so in the future.  That is until recent revelations about strategic organ farming by its abortion doctors became common knowledge. That sort of thing might cause you to have a change of heart, (or liver, or lung).

Even the most mealy-mouthed, pandering politician with any lineage on the Political Right would be wise to think twice about backing this sort of commerce out of hand. But would they back it, hand out, with money from the pockets of taxpayers?

So where does Sununu come down?

He told New Hampshire Primary Source he is withholding comment on the contract, videos and the party resolution until he has a chance to review the contract and decide how to vote.

At that point, he said, he will make a comprehensive statement addressing the entire issue, taking into account the details of the contract, as well as the videos and the resolution.

Review the contract? Let me help. We’re talking about roughly eighty percent of nearly one million dollars of other people’s money. Money taken by the force of government and relieved from the state’s General Fund. Allocated to an industry that is relieving future generations of women of their organs for profit. How is that not a women’s health issue?

The two Democrats on the Executive Council are in favor of continuing the practice. They are puppets of the abortion industry–and I guess we can add Big-Bio-tech organ profit pimps to that list as well. Are they reviewing the contract? Not really. In fact, if you asked these councilors to fund weapons, ammunition, and firearms training for Planned Parenthood staff (to fend off pro-life domestic terrorists) I bet they’d sign off on that in a heartbeat. Just slip it in with the organ farm-bill funding.

And as disgusting or even evil as it may appear to harvest organs from viable infants, the Democrat party are on board with that as well. They didn’t flinch when Kermit the Gosnell was killing babies, and sometimes their mothers. In fact, the Democrat party as a whole is opposed to the kind of reform that could have saved lives.

Abortion isn’t a medical procedure to them it “just is.” The sun rises, the sun sets, and there’s abortion. Anything that might result in less of those is to be opposed, including mamby-pamby, weak-stomached Republicans who suspect that you can’t have viable organs without them being attached to viable human beings who are still using them. That sort of thinking leads to human rights arguments that could end the party of deaths monopoly on in-womb genocide and all the campaign dollars that flow from it.

But how does Councilor Sununu roll? So far he’s done what any mealy-mouthed, pandering politician with any lineage on the Political Right would do, nothing. He’s taken the path of least resistance. “He is withholding comment on the contract, videos and the party resolution until he has a chance to review the contract and decide how to vote.”

It begs the question, what the hell would Planned Parenthood have to do to get him to take a public stand right now against giving them other people’s money?

If premeditation to extract and sell the viable organs of formerly viable infants is not outrageous enough, what is required? What would PP have to do to push Chris Sununu over the edge of moral outrage to speak out in opposition? What action would prompt him to stop funding them with taxpayer dollars?

How about if Planned Parenthood just exchanged the cost of the procedure for the value of the product of conception?

Better yet, they could write the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in for a piece of the action. Women could make babies and deliberately carry them until the organs (and the babies) were viable, then cash in on the organ business. We could call them community Organ-izers.

Offended? Disgusted? Outraged? Well WTF! That is what they are doing now, minus some marketing and the payout to the woman formerly known as mom. And that’s not enough?

What does PP have to do to get Chris Sununu to make some sort of public comment?

Would Congressman Guinta have some thoughts on that?

Had Frank Guinta been advocating the killing of babies for their organs instead of paying a fine for an FEC violation would Councilor Sununu still be mulling his position over in silence?

Seriously. This is all so absurd.

And speaking of absurd–yet relevant–would this be a good time to ask Councilor Sununu’s opinion on the Chinese Government. China is New Hampshire’s fourth largest international trading partner (way ahead of Turkey). But since at least the year 2000 the Chinese government has been unable to explain where tens of thousands of organs have come from. With tens of thousands of Falun Gong disappearing (enemies of the state, so-sayeth-the-state) aid agencies and others put tens of thousands and tens of thousands together and come up with a theory. China appears to be using political prisoners to support its organ and tissue industry.

Let me rephrase that. China is using political prisoners to support its organ transplant and tissue industry.

That exactly describes what Democrats and Planned Parenthood are doing. And I’d bet money a majority of Democrats oppose the use of political prisoners in China as unwilling organ donors. I’d bet that Councilor Sununu objects to that as well were he provided proof. But the only difference between the two is that we have Planned Parenthood’s Ol’ MacDonald of organ farming on video admitting to it and explaining how it’s actually done.

“And on her farm she had some late-term abortions, who needs a heart or a lung?” (everybody sing!) You with the ultrasound Democrats object to using when it could save that same babies life, keep time! “Forceps!”

What is Chris waiting for?

Does he not defend life, liberty, and property without reserve?

The Democrat party, long time opponents of life, liberty, and personal property, will support Planned Parenthood and abortion no matter what. A claim proven by the organ harvesting scandal. Instead of being outraged they stick to the nostrum that babies aren’t babies until they say so, and direct their outrage at anyone who dare to disagree. That’s conviction. It’s evil, but it is conviction.

They see any effort to end the harvesting of organs as a political threat, something they share with the Chinese. After all, if you are going to execute political prisoners why let perfectly viable organs go to waste? They are, after all, just the products of conception.

But we are all products of conception and if the organs are viable the person they are attached to is as well. This makes the point that living organs come from living people and that taking them without their consent (particularly when they are in no position to give it) should present at least some kind of moral dilemma. A dilemma solved by a Republican party platform that speaks clearly to the issue.

Republicans are opposed to abortion, to harvesting organs as a feature of performing abortions by extension, and to using general fund tax dollars to fund these activities.

And still we wait.

If I were Councilor Sununu’s adviser I’d remind him that should he dare to take his parties own platform at its word and oppose taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood (on even as flimsy an excuse as the viable organs argument) that Senator Shaheen will likely step in again and get the Feds to cover the tab. She’s done it before and she’d move mountains for her pals in the baby-organ business.

Councilor Sununu would get the cover of “conscience” by voting no to PP spending General Fund taxpayer dollars that could be used for something else–like roads and bridges or mental health wait lists or nursing home funding (or even on pregnancy crisis centers)–and planned parenthood (probably) still gets its taxpayer-funded baby-organ farm-bill bailout from the Feds care of the Abortion Queen atop EMILY’s List, Senator Jeanne Shaheen.

And then there’s this. Democrats are never going to vote for you. Stop trying to impress them. Instead, seeing as you might one day want to be the governor of the state, lead. Get in front of the issue instead of standing behind it. Defend what is clearly an argument in favor of life, and liberty, and property, an argument  that can be made standing on your own party platform without reservation.

There’s nothing in the contract that can possibly nullify any legitimate moral objection to the business practices of Planned Parenthood and refusing to make taxpayers back them will not put them or their services beyond anyone’s reach. That is a lie the left tells to keep the free money flowing. Except that it is not free money. Someone else earned it, and the government took it from them, presumably for shared interests of the political body.

If you fund planned parenthood with their hard earned dollars you validate its practices.

Is that how you’d like to be remembered?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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