You just can’t make this up. First it was non-criminalization, then civil unions, then gay marriage, now transgenderism, and soon to come will be polyamory and polygamy. Many of us said that will be not the end point. Only total embracing of and full throated embracing and celebration of “life decisions”. This observation from the ESPY awards (which I intentionally decided not to watch in the privacy of my own home – let’s see how much longer that lasts) PROVING our supposition about the culture totalitarians:
In a truly surreal display, NFL great Brett Favre is being denounced by the left’s new cultural commissars for not clapping long and hard enough at ESPN’s ESPY awards, as Bruce/“Caitlyn” Jenner received a “Courage” award for his efforts to become a woman. Oddly, Favre did applaud – not doing so would have been a grave heresy to America’s new church of progressive inquisitors. His sin was not applauding enthusiastically enough.
The New York Post placed a video of Favre’s blasphemous insufficient clapping, juxtaposed with Jenner’s celebratory ascent to the stage. The video repeatedly replays Favre’s cruel, disgraceful, calloused political-ideological-cultural faux paus for the stunned amazement and universal condemnation of the New American masses. Yes, Mr. Favre, you’re guilty – we caught you on tape!
No, I’m not making this up. In the New America, not only must we accept transgenderism, but we must literally applaud it – and literally applaud it long, loud, and hard. And remember, Big Brother is watching you. Well, Brett Favre didn’t, and now the left’s ministers of culture are relegating him to their progressive gulag.
What, you don’t want to participate in the Collectives’ “conscience” – you say you have your OWN? As Erick Erickson has said “You WILL be made to care“. And care you will. Paul Kengor who wrote the piece has a snippet from Solzhenitsyn about clapping for Stalin and the threat of the gulag for “ insufficient clapping“. And in North Korea, the same thing if “caring” is insufficient for the Dear Leader, even for his picture in your home if your home catches fire.
And this is the example that proves it.
“Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”