2016 Presidential Primary: smackdown of Jeb Bush by Donald Trump

by Skip

While I have a few folks that I am watching (and quite partial to one), I will have to say that I have not decided on The One for my expensive vote.  In the meantime, as these silly seasons get really boring, I am glad to see that the “anti-candidate” Donald Trump is just letting go.  What the rest of the field seems to not recognize is that there is a lot of anger in the right side of the Party.  They / me DO see our traditional country disappearing under the shoving that both the Hard Left Progressives are giving – and the Establishment / Ruling / Political class is giving it mere lip-service at best.  The latter couch their words in political correctness, triangulated with focus groups and hemmed in by that identity group vs another.

Translation: nuanced to the hilt to the point of being gibberish now and unaccountable later.  The base has had enough of it and I am certainly of the mindset to enjoy the plain speaking, loose cannon BOOMS! that we’re hearing from The Donald.  Carly Fiorina, too, and I would also add Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal making a point to make those sharp pointed word sticks.  And with Jeb Bush’s haughty response to Trumps multiple bolts of lightening on illegal immigration and the crimes that are committed by illegals, especially the murders and drunk driving deaths, it shows that someone is out of touch by we who feel powerless as the Ruling Class (of which Jeb Bush is certainly a big part of in his dynastic family’s history) just doesn’t seem to care.  A number of folks are remarking that Jeb Bush’s tart retort was aimed, not just at Trump, but to a LOT of people who think (and maybe only quietly say lest the pro-illegals descend upon them) “Gosh, SOMEBODY has the cojones to stand up for ME and what *I* believe”!

So Trump’s return was not a “bow shot” but directly midships (emphasis mine):

I am very proud to be fighting for a strong and secure border. This is a very important issue, which all the other candidates would have ignored had I not started this important discussion. I will fix the border — no one else knows where to begin.

Not quite right, Donald – many of us in the “Country Class”  believe it is folks like Jeb, his brother, and Obama (and those associate with Big Biz and US Chamber of Commerce) are perfectly fine with open borders.  It is not that they don’t know where to start, they just don’t WANT to start!

Today, Jeb Bush once again proves that he is out of touch with the American people. Just like the simple question asked of Jeb on Iraq, where it took him five days and multiple answers to get it right, he doesn’t understand anything about the border or border security. In fact, Jeb believes illegal immigrants who break our laws when they cross our border come “out of love.”

Yeah, when The Rule of Law is under such attack, we again see the Establishment R saying “oh, if it feels good….” – borders?  Laws?  no big deal – until it comes to some white evangelical middle- age middle-class guy.  Then the proverbial boom is dropped.  What Trump quoted is EXACTLY why I will not vote for Bush – this is an outright declaration that one of the radical ideas put forward by our Founding Fathers – that ALL must obey the laws that are duly enacted even as we are supposed to be equals before that law.  Illegals streaming over the border?  No big deal if you just stay with that quote.

As everybody knows, I never said that all Mexicans crossing the border are rapists. Jeb is mischaracterizing my statements only to inflame. As seen with the tragic and unnecessary death of Kathryn Steinle this past week in San Francisco at the hands of an illegal immigrant who was previously deported five times, our unsecured border is a national security threat.

Yeah and Jeb has been fine with this open border situation.

Jeb will never be able to secure our border, negotiate good trade deals, strengthen our military or care for our veterans. The biggest difference between Jeb and me on the border is that I believe in securing our border by building a wall, which will protect our safety, economy and national security. This is a vital step in Making America Great Again!

Trump may not be my vote come the FITN Primary voting day (whenever it happens to be), but boy, I am glad he’s in the race.  Nice to see that someone is speaking their mind (and like I said earlier, there are a few) is willing not to cower to the BigWhigs in the Republican Party.  Frankly, as part of the “Ruling Class”, these kinds (or ANY kind) of Establishment Republican these last few decades are just as at fault for our situation as are the Democrats.

It seems that Trump isn’t all that hep to that OR the Ruling Class – so they hate him for taking them, rightfully, to task.

And ridicule.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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