Update II: I received an email this morning from a lawyer indicating the amount of the award is $85,000.00 dollars. I have made every effort to update any content distributed with the incorrect sum(s).
Updated: I was provided the incorrect settlement sum. The correct amount is 250,000.00 – one-quarter of a million dollars.
I have just learned that Henniker resident Lorin D. Mulligan has won her Superior court case against the town of Henniker. The court found in favor of Mulligan on all 6 counts and I have been told is now owed $85,000.00. (She will also be requesting attorney’s fees.)
If you need a refresher,
The town of Henniker wanted to build an access road to the cistern/water source that feeds the town proper. I’m not clear on the specifics but it appears that a property deed of the town planning board chair (at the time it was proposed) allowed or accommodated said access road. Any right of way or access road would have been built on their property. But the planning board chair did not want the access road on their property.
So while an abutting neighbor was away, the town built the access road on the neighbors property.
Check out the comments from Henniker residents under that post for more detail.
And we are trying to get our hands on the decision but the Superior court web site has nothing after December 2014.
As soon as we can confirm this information we will update it here.
H/T Kathleen Labonte-LoFaro / Stephen Forster