“she has a choice: either avoid discussion of the issue or resign.”
Will she listen to the people who know her best, Republicans in Cheshire County, and remove her name? Decisions have consequences and NH State GOP Committeewoman Bergeron is now learning that her decision to sign an amicus brief with other “Republican luminaries” supporting gay marriage to the Supreme Court (running counter to just about every State level GOP Platform affirming traditional marriage is between one man and one woman) has really riled up her Cheshire County constituents. As my last post indicated, why can’t our so-called “leaders” listen to the voters that put their butts into their seats based on Republican ideals and act that way?
With her action, Bergeron put HER agenda before that of her Party’s Principles – and now they have reacted to that selfish action. Jim McConnell called and let me know that this resolution / request of an action was introduced into the Cheshire Republican Committee for consideration. It will be published in their newsletter and will be voted upon at their next meeting (emphasis mine):
The Cheshire County Republican Committee reminds New Hampshire Republican National Committeewoman Juliana Bergeron that, as one of the New Hampshire Republican Party’s most important officials, she has an obligation to support the New Hampshire Republican Party platform.
In those cases where she doesn’t personally agree with the New Hampshire Republican Party platform, she has a choice: either avoid discussion of the issue or resign.
Going out of her way to sign, while the New Hampshire National Committeewoman, an amicus brief before the United States Supreme Court in support of single sex marriage and in opposition to the party platform betrays the trust she promised to deserve.
The Republican Party of New Hampshire requires a National Committeewoman who advances the New Hampshire Republican Party platform, not someone who goes to Washington with an agenda of her own.
Submitted by James W. McConnell
To be published in the CCRC Newsletter and voted on at the next CCRC Meeting before September, 2015.
I don’t have to remind folks how often I excoriated the NH GOP leadership (that would be NH GOP Chairman Jennifer Horn and Executive Director Matt Mowers (who scurried back to NJ Governor Chris Christie’s fold) for failing to update the NH GOP Platform, duly voted up on by Party’s delegates, ahead of the last election. After all, it complicated things – how DARE these delegates go against the abortion friendly top two Repub candidates that that in one case, couldn’t stand up for his personal belief on the subject and the other worked tirelessly and loudly to out-abortion Jeanne Shaheen.
And the base that they didn’t want did exactly what was expected – they didn’t vote for them. What the NH GOP Leadership may not want to realized is that you can’t be leaders when important parts of the Party won’t follow.
Decisions have consequences – and Bergeron failed to follow the “what happens afterwards is most important” part of “Winning is merely a precursor…”. Now we will see if she has more cojones than Steve Duprey (NH GOP Committeeman who was caught red-handed giving money to the PAC (Planned Parenthood Action Fund) actively working to get rid of the NH GOP’s highest elected official – Kelly Ayotte) and actually resign.
I’m not holding my breath – after all, she “won”, didn’t she? And that’s all that seems to count. Until they lose.
For it seems that no source of embarrassment seems to phase “Leadership”. IRS liens, funding Democrat aligned PACs, ignoring the Platform?
Ask yourself: Are Republicans in the best of hands?