Republican Dean-Bailey becomes one of the youngest women elected to NH House

Kimberly Morin

deanbaileyTonight 19 year old Republican Yvonne Dean-Bailey won the Rockingham 32 special election. Dean-Baily (Republican) carried Nottingham, Northwood and Candia while Maureen Mann (Democrat) won her hometown of Deerfield. This election had been fraught with outrageous behavior from Maureen Mann and her campaign staff along with her supporters throughout the beginning but clearly voters decided to vote for the candidate they thought would best represent them.

Dean-Bailey becomes the youngest representative in the New Hampshire House and one of the youngest women ever elected in state history. She is among a group of several young Republicans who hold seats in New Hampshire in the current legislature. Dean-Bailey ran an excellent campaign focusing on the issues. Unfortunately the same couldn’t be said for Mann.

Mann’s campaign was based on lies, deceit and outrageous behavior. Not only did Mann lie about her voting record but the New Hampshire Democrat party sent out asinine mailers that were also filled with lies. On top of it, Mann and her supporters were constantly attacking Dean-Bailey on a personal level rather than on the issues and they couldn’t even get that right! The icing on the negative cake was when one of Mann’s staffers sent out a hoax email pretending to be Dean-Bailey and claiming to drop out of the race.

The Democrats’ negative campaigning wasn’t enough to push Mann over the edge and Dean-Bailey won the election. Of course, each political party sent out press releases after the results were in. From the New Hampshire GOP:

New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chairman Jennifer Horn today released the following statement on Yvonne Dean-Bailey’s victory in the Rockingham District 32 special election:

“I want to congratulate Yvonne Dean-Bailey on running an outstanding campaign that focused on the traditional New Hampshire principles of lower taxes and limited government. Voters chose Yvonne because she campaigned on a pledge to fight Governor Maggie Hassan’s reckless fiscal policies that will put our state on a path toward an income tax. Her election is a victory for taxpayers and a stinging rebuke of Governor Hassan’s misplaced priorities and her disastrous tax-and-spend agenda.”

And of course from New Hampshire Democrats:

New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement on the Rockingham-32 special election:

“Maureen Mann has fought tirelessly for the hard-working people of Deerfield, Candida, Northwood and Nottingham for many years, and her constituents would’ve been well-served by Maureen’s experience and commitment to her community.”

“We always knew this special election in a solidly Republican district would be tough, and it’s unfortunate that Republicans once again turned to their Koch-backed outside groups to rescue them and used the reprehensible actions of a rogue individual as a misleading rallying cry to gin up their far-right base.”

Buckley seems to be obsessed with the Koch Brothers. Funny thing, unions put in how much time and spent how much money on Mann’s campaign that no one will ever know about? There was also a report of alleged robocalls being made on Mann’s behalf but the caller didn’t use a disclaimer as to who was paying for the call. This incident is being looked into. Apparently the call wasn’t even in the right district. Buckley doesn’t realize that the majority of people in New Hampshire are considered far right to Democrats because New Hampshire Democrats are so extremely far left.

If you ever met Dean-Bailey, it’s easy to see why voters preferred her over Mann. She’s intelligent, honest and truly believes in fiscal responsibility. She seems to have a better understanding of what her constituents were really looking for in a candidate than Mann did given her voting record.

Dean-Bailey also ran her campaign on the issues and did not resort to negative or personal attacks as did Mann’s campaign. Both sides had impressive “Get Out the Vote” efforts and really ramped it up over the past few weeks with phone calls and door knocking. When all was said and done the voters chose Dean-Bailey as their next representative – the youngest representative in the House and one of the youngest women ever elected to the New Hampshire State House.

Cross posted from Examiner


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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