The Hypocrisy, intolerance and deplorable treatment of Yvonne Dean-Bailey by Maureen Mann and Democrats

Kimberly Morin

manndeanbailyMay 19th will be a special election in Rockingham District 32 which incorporates Nottingham, Northwood, Deerfield and Candia. The candidates in the running are Yvonne Dean-Bailey (Republican) and Maureen Mann (Democrat).

Maureen Mann is a former state rep who lost her re-election bid which means she has a voting record. Yvonne Dean-Bailey is a college student running for the first time. The differences between the two is like night and day. Mann is fully on board with bigger government, higher taxes and less freedom while Dean-Bailey is for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.

What caught my eye about this election was the Democrats push for Mann on Twitter and the ridiculous Letters to the Editor that they keep having their minions write. I hadn’t paid any attention to this election before I noticed these things.

The most ridiculous argument against Dean-Bailey is that she doesn’t own a home and therefore doesn’t pay property tax. This is what many are claiming as a valid reason not to vote for her.

INTERESTING that these same yahoos didn’t say the same thing when Maggie Hassan was running for the state legislature OR for the Governor’s corner office. You see, Hassan lives rent/property tax free at a home paid for by Phillips-Exeter Academy because her husband is the Headmaster there. Apparently it’s okay if Democrats don’t pay property tax but if you’re a Republican you MUST pay property tax and own a home in order to be eligible to run for state office. Hypocrisy much?

During an interview with the ‘troll that lives under the bridge’ Jon Hopwood, Mann admitted she didn’t know Dean-Bailey very well but clearly made ASSumptions about her anyway. Mann said she thought it was great that Dean-Bailey had parents who could afford to send her to Phillips-Exeter Academy, implying they must be wealthy to do so. The only problem with this is Dean-Bailey’s Father died when she was a 6 year-old little girl. Her widowed Mother raised her alone all these years and obviously did a damn good job of it.

Dean-Bailey worked hard and won scholarships to attend the excellent schools she’s attended. Her Mother also worked hard to help her.  And again, funny thing, Governor Hassan’s daughter attended Phillips-Exeter Academy on a free ride because her Father works there. Somehow that is OK though.

It’s interesting, so many claim they want to keep youth in New Hampshire rather than having them leave for big cities, including Governor Hassan. Yet here you have a young, intelligent woman who not only wants to stay in New Hampshire but actually work hard and be involved in politics and make a difference for her district and Democrats are slamming her left and right. Odd don’t you think? Or maybe typical because Dean-Bailey is a young woman who doesn’t buy into their propaganda?

Democrats also believe that Dean-Bailey can’t think for herself. Maybe because they don’t? How rude and intolerant to believe a young woman who isn’t in line with the victimization propaganda of the left wing doesn’t think for herself. Of course, Democrats claim any woman who isn’t a left wing hack doesn’t think for themselves.

Rockingham 32 district is majority Republican. Clearly voters made the mistake of voting for Mann in a previous special election. It’s time they right their wrong by voting against a far left wing party political hack. Mann voted against the 1st and 2nd Amendments; she voted to raise taxes; she voted for anything and everything Obamacare which will cause an income and/or sales tax; Mann is against school choice and she is supported by unions like the AFL-CIO.  Of course, Mann continues to lie to voters about her record.

Mann’s mistake has been that she hasn’t really bothered debating on real issues. She and the Democrats have made assumptions and continued with their lies.

Voters gave Mann a chance a few years ago and it was a big mistake. It’s time to give Dean-Bailey a chance, she more closely represents the district than Mann ever would or could.




  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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