Progressivism is Managing Those Deemed Undesireable

Steve MacDonald

Hillary hearts Sanger - et tu SteveMost gun laws and permitting requirements were not proposed for the general safety but to disarm portions of the population deemed undesirable or a threat to those in power.

Minimum wage laws were created to exclude portions of the population from the work force deemed undesirable -something they have always done and continue to do, but not effectively enough so we are told we must raise them.

Margret Sanger’s mission was to convince “undesirable” portions of the population to effectively self-sterilize so as to limit their presence and impact on society; an agenda planned parenthood continues to this day aided by the same “modern progressive white women” that began the crusade.

It is sad that these discriminatory 20th century progressive compulsions continue into the 21st century; defended by modern progressives who deny that these ideas–now ensconced (by the Left) in the modern psyche as ‘rights’– do today what they were implemented to accomplish 100 years ago.

And the mission continues in their absence.  Twenty-First century Neo-crats are more useful idiots than those from a century before.  Modern water-carriers of long dead racists, eugenicists, and Malthusian-Hobbesian-Spencerites who thought things would be so much better if we could just be rid of “those people,” and willing to use the force of law and whatever media propaganda they could wrangle to sell their story.

And these days you are only suitable if you believe everything they believe and do everything they do.  Everyone else is deemed undesirable.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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