Here We Are Thanks To Our NH Courts


Our Concord NH voter awaiting arraignment for election law violations, Carl Robert Gibson, of 26 Summit St. is registered to vote in the following four states, Wisconsin , Kentucky , Connecticut , and New Hampshire .

Apparently, like the New Hampshire Supreme Court, he must be confused by the difference between “residence” and “domicile.”


A “domicile” is a person’s true, fixed, and permanent home where a person intends to remain permanently and indefinitely and to which a person has the intention of returning, whenever absent. It is often referred to as “legal residence.” A person may be physically present or living in one place but maintain a domicile in another. A person has only one domicile at any point in time.

Kentucky: 103 KAR 17:010. Residence.

 Section 1. Resident. “Resident” means any individual domiciled within Kentucky on the last day of the taxable year and includes any individual who spends more than 183 days in Kentucky and maintains a place of abode in Kentucky during this period. All other individuals are nonresidents.

Section 3. Domicile. Generally, a domicile is the place where an individual has established permanent resident. A domicile once obtained continues until a new one is acquired. Domicile is not changed by removal for a definite period or for incidental purposes. To constitute a change, there must be intent to change, actual removal, and a new abode.


Sec. 9-12. Who may be admitted. (a) Each citizen of the United States who has attained the age of eighteen years, and who is a bona fide resident of the town to which the citizen applies for admission as an elector shall, on approval by the registrars of voters or town clerk of the town of residence of such citizen, as prescribed by law, be an elector, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section. For purposes of this section a person shall be deemed to have attained the age of eighteen years on the day of the person’s eighteenth birthday and a person shall be deemed to be a bona fide resident of the town to which the citizen applies for admission as an elector if such person’s dwelling unit is located within the geographic boundaries of such town. No mentally incompetent person shall be admitted as an elector.

So just like the recent decision in NH by our State Supreme Court that “residence” and “domicile” have different meanings and a person voting in NH doesn’t have to register their car here or follow any other NH law – well it is all just one big misunderstanding.

What harm could letting people from other states vote in NH do if all they want to do is vote?

Ever hear your progressive friends tell you that?

When the courts pretend that words do not mean what they say and that the intent of a law has no part in the outcome of a decision you have this totally illegal grey area – created by the court.

Here is a simple test:

If I was to ask the NH State Supreme Court if it is legal for Carl Robert Gibson to vote in New Hampshire – what would they say?

(Hint: Take a look at his driver’s license.)


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