Talking on Fox News Sunday about the Ferguson report and the “disparate outcomes” on arrest records
Kim Strassal: Are we going to trust the Justice Department? Again, Eric Holder came out and said we’re not stop until we fix these things here.
Neera Tanden (Center for American Progress): Yes, we should not stop until we fix things here.
Strassal: But does anyone think that the Justice Dept. is best positioned to do be doing that?
Tanden: as opposed to what, Ferguson itself and their police? Clearly, they’re not self-policing because they’ve had racist police officers for a long time doing these things and no one has cared. Isn’t that WHY we have a Justice Dept, because we have these laws that aren’t being enforced?
Hmm, I wonder what Tanden would say about “laws that aren’t being enforced” if I asked her about Obama’s home city of Chicago which his top lieutenant (and former Obama Chief of Staff) and their policy of no longer enforcing Federal laws concerning illegal immigration?
Oh, I see – wrong side.