…she was upset that a biological man claiming to be a gender woman was in the ladies locker room. At the time, HER locker room. And because she was not “accepting enough”, her membership was cancelled. This comment caught my eye:
Rick expresses the fear that eventually any business with a locker room, changing room, fitting room or bathroom will be forced by government to build “Mens” rooms, “Ladies” rooms,” and a “Choose your sex” room. This is one of those areas where political correctness simply has to be put aside and face up to reality. We have blurred the lines sufficiently about who is a boy and who is a girl, but the simple facts of family and biology remain. You may have been born with the “wrong set of genitalia” for some reason, but you still live in the same society with the rest of us. We are under no obligation to accept your definition when it comes to our own privacy and safety.
If someone born with male genitals wants the freedom to go wandering around in the showers and locker rooms of ladies who are paying for a public service such as a gym or pool, they have no right to force that on them. You can do what you like in the privacy of your own home… wear a dress, engage in body modifications. It doesn’t matter. It’s your life and your body, so do what you wish. But you don’t get to force that on everyone else. If you were born with male genitals, you don’t get to declare that you suddenly have the right to hang out in the showers with the girls.
I understand that one of our values is to protecting minorities, but at what tipping point do we enter the Tyranny of the Minority, that (as Jazz Shaw writes above) due to “Political Correctness”, the very few get to rewrite the “unwritten rules” of Society that demands the rest change our mores for them? When is enough, enough? And in this case, what would have the reaction have been if that grown woman had been a 12 year old girl? Would that girl be expected to change in front of a physically normal man?
When is enough, far too much? When it goes against the grain of someone else’s so-called “Right” and to heck with ours – and then Government force is used to back up the “activists” push against “the heck with ours”.
Are we to the point where our “collective” brains are leaking out of our skulls for being “open minded”? Have we decided that anything is now ok? The activists of the Left have decided they have the right to tell us what is right and what is wrong – methinks it is time to start the push back.
After all, I keep being told that my “Right” to “dirty and poison the earth stops at their “nose” (simply because I disagree with the cause global climate warming cooling change weather so I’m supposed to not drive my SUV and not keep my home warm and not keep a modern lifestyle simply because they believe that’s killing GAIA? And I’m supposed to throw up my hands and just go “OK”?